When you have a private well on your property, making even minor changes to the well or the area around it can cause big problems. Here are some common mistakes to avoid in order to keep your well and water supply safe. Don't Hide Your Well Head After Well Drilling It makes sense why some people
How Does Geothermal Well Installation Work?
If you're looking for a cost-effective source of clean energy for your home, installing a geothermal well may be a great choice. There are two main options to access geothermal energy and they both provide a consistent, sustainable energy source. The Basics of Geothermal Well Drilling A geothermal
How Often Should You Perform Well Water Testing?
When you have a water well, it's up to you to test it regularly in order to assess water quality and safety. What does "regularly" actually mean, though? While it's ultimately up to you how often you test your water, here are some recommendations to help keep your family and your well system
How Does Water Well Fracking Work?
Water well fracking, commonly known as hydrofracking, is a useful way to access water for a residential well. Read on to learn how hydrofracking works and when it might be a good option for your home well. The Hydrofracking Water Well Process Fracking is the process of injecting pressurized liquid
How to Address Low Water Pressure From Your Well
Having good water pressure is important! If you get your water from a residential well, you may run into water pressure issues specific to well use. Read on to learn why this happens and what you can do about it. Adjust Well Pressure Tank Settings If your water pressure is low, it may simply mean
Best Practices for Well Water Testing
When you source your water from a private well, regular water testing is essential to ensure that your water is safe for consumption and household use. Read on to learn best practices for well water testing throughout the life of your well. How Often Should You Test Your Water? You should test your
Key Tips to Choosing a Well Drilling Location
Sourcing your water from a private well is a great option for many families. Before you drill, though, follow these key steps to ensure that you have a safe and plentiful water supply. Assess Your Water Supply Before You Drill The availability of groundwater can vary greatly depending on location.
Do I Need to Disinfect My Well?
The water in your well must be clean and safe to drink if you want it to provide you with a healthy supply of drinking water. If the water in your well is not safe to drink, you will need to disinfect the well, which can be accomplished via chlorination. How chlorination works Chlorination is a