The well casing is one of the most important parts of your well; it keeps debris, insects, and sediment out of your water. However, it’s also one of the most commonly replaced parts of a well, so it’s not out of the question that yours may be cracked or damaged (especially if it’s older).
The well casing is the tube that travels from the well above the ground and gives you a direct line to the pump and the well itself. It can become cracked in a variety of ways, including:
- Being struck by lightning during a storm
- Being hit with a car or lawnmower
- Earthquakes and other ground shifting events
- Extreme heat and cold
- Age
- Natural wear and tear
How to Tell If Your Well Casing Is Cracked
If the well casing is cracked above the ground, you’ll most likely be able to see it. Otherwise, cracks below-ground can be letting sediment and other dirt and debris into your water supply. If you find that the water coming out of your faucet is full of sand, dirt, and other particles, it might be time to call a well repair company to inspect your casing.
Repairing a Cracked Well Casing
There are two ways that a well specialist might fix a well casing:
First, for above-ground damage, they may suggest repairing the pipe and extending it upwards so that it’s easier to see and avoid in the future.
The second approach involves placing a liner against the part of the pipe that is damaged. This involves pushing a camera down inside the pipe and inflating a lining to seal to the interior of the casing.
If you are unsure if your well casing is cracked or if you need an estimate on how much it’s going to take to fix your casing, contact Goold Wells & Pumps in Valatie today!